Slow Down When You Eat: Technology Invades The Dinner Table

Eating too quickly has been proven to be bad for health, causing heartburn, digestive problems, and even weight gain. The old method to curb this bad habit was having a mother or a spouse remind us to slow down and “chew your food.” Now with the help of technology, no such verbal reminders are necessary. The Hapifork, unveiled at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, helps out even the most forgetful or unfocused eaters. The “smart fork” senses when it is being used and is in the mouth of the diner and will pulsate and vibrate if the diner is eating too quickly. This “smart fork” can be programmed so that it fits in with your eating pace, and will make sure that time and care is taken when consuming food.

The information can also be transferred to a computer or smartphone, so the data of bites per minute and total meal time can be tracked and analyzed over a period of time. This can be used to track progress and, if also collected with food intake and weight, can be used to see the effect of slowing down when eating.

Health and technology are coming together for all sorts of innovations, from smartphone applications that measure the nutritional information of your food to those that measure how far you run and how long you exercise. These types of data collection and tracking tools will make it easier for people to see what is working for them.  The possibilities for personal health are endless.

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