Netflix misses an opportunity by un-tying its services

Groans and moans over product tying (aka bundling) are commonplace. When companies sell products as a package deal only, consumers frequently feel they’re getting the short end of the stick because they’re being “forced” to purchase products they don’t want. The classic example is cable television. The sports fan only wants to watch ESPN and …

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Ponzi Scheme at the local PTA

Another Ponzi scheme has been uncovered.  While the perpetrators are not exactly Bernie Madoff, they did manage to bilk over 40 “investors” out of approximately $4 million. As is common with Ponzi schemes, the victims were concentrated within a tight social network which offers the illusion of trust and the insinuation that the members are …

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House passes patent changes without altering damages in litigation

On June 23, 2011, the House of Representatives approved the renamed Leahy–Smith America Invents Act (H.R. 1249) by a bipartisan vote of 304-117. In March, the Senate passed S. 23, “The America Invents Act,” with larger bipartisan approval. Although there are differences between the House and Senate versions, I suspect that these differences will be …

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CFOs are dissatisfied with Big 4 Accounting firms

If you have $32,400 to spend on a survey of the Big Four accounting firms, then BTI Consulting will sell you their recent survey of chief financial officers of major U.S. public companies.  But, our headline is free.  Only 6 in 10 clients would recommend their Big 4 auditor to others, and 18.5% of companies are …

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Amazon’s Junk Ebook Problem and a Computer Forensics Approach to Solve It

Recently Reuters ran a story regarding (i) Amazon’s ebooks business that is part of its highly popular Kindle readers and (ii) reader applications for phone and table devices.   One consequence of these offerings is they provide a way for writers to self-publish their own work for free. Unfortunately whenever the words Internet and free are combined, …

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Amazon's Junk Ebook Problem and a Computer Forensics Approach to Solve It

Recently Reuters ran a story regarding (i) Amazon’s ebooks business that is part of its highly popular Kindle readers and (ii) reader applications for phone and table devices.   One consequence of these offerings is they provide a way for writers to self-publish their own work for free. Unfortunately whenever the words Internet and free are combined, …

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Eddifice Rex

It isn’t  often that a story comes along that combines my original profession, architecture, with my current, computers.  This was one. Steve Jobs arrived the day after Apple’s WWDC11 conference, with very short notice, at the Cupertino City Council meeting.  No surprise, they added him to the agenda.  His purpose?  To display to the city council …

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Beware Of Poll Results

The Associated Press (AP) does its readers a disservice by suggesting that its most recent May 2011 survey results are indicative of future election outcomes.   AP makes significantly incorrect claims about likely election results because its poll (i) starts with a more Democrat-friendly profile, and (ii) is not based on likely voters. The AP poll starts with …

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HP TouchPad vs the iPad 2: And Fight!

HP recently announced that their Touchpad tablet computer will be available for order on June 19, with prices identical to a similarly configured iPad 2. Sales of the TouchPad will be looked at closely as the answer to a very big question: Did HP make a mistake paying 1.2 billion dollars for Palm?  Palm’s share …

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The Worst Example of Executive Data Security Ever?

Fabrice Tourre of Goldman Sachs has the distinction of being the only person sued by the Securities and Exchange Commission for fraud in selling mortgage backed securities. While that may remain his primary claim to fame (thanks to a  front-page article in the New York Times), there may be a secondary distinction added: the worst handling of …

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